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Grinding and Brewing Guidelines.
Because you deserve the most from your coffee. And your coffee deserves the best from you!
First, please use a conical burr grinder. Your beans and taste buds will thank you.
With the grind, it's all about promoting ideal extraction for each brew method. If you under extract (grind too coarsely), you get sour, acidic and salty taste. If you over extract (grind too finely), you get bitter, flat and dull taste.
Here is what we recommend for grind texture by brew method. Feel free to tweak slightly to your taste.
Espresso: Fine
Moka Pot: Medium Fine
French Press: Coarse
Pour-over with Filter: Medium
Machine Drip: Medium
Cold Brew: Extra Coarse
According to the Specialty Coffee Association, the ideal ratio of water to coffee is 18/1. This is known as the "Golden Cup" ratio.
We fully agree and would expand to a range of 15/1 to 20/1 to suit one's taste for a slightly stronger or weaker cup by decreasing or increasing the amount of water to coffee.
As an example, weigh 20 grams of coffee (before grinding), and then combine with 360 grams or ml of water (geeky science here, but for water only, you can use grams or ml as the density of water is 1 gr/ml), and then proceed with your brew method of choice. Magic.
If you don't have a gram scale (seriously, you should get one), then a rule of thumb is to use 1-2 tablespoons of coffee for every 6 ounces of water, again depending on desired strength of your brew.
The Coffee "Bean Belt."
The world's finest specialty Arabica coffees are cultivated in the region indicated in purple. We continuously source and offer a rotating variety of single origin selections from small lot farms in these areas.